This is a double page spread from the music magazine 'MixMag', this magazine mainly covers DJ's, events occuring all over the party destinations of the world, anything to do with nightlife.
The title 'Welcome to Lame Academy' of this double page spread takes up a lot of space on one side of the double page spread, the effect this has is that as soon as the reader opens to this page it will be the first thing they look at. Another point is that the type of font the title is written in galmourises this page, as it is written in more a flowing, 'fancy' font. Also the title connotes to the reader that the woman to the left of the title is a 'wannabe' celebrity, another point is that in the text just below the title it explains who the woman is and investigating whether she is "a threat to club culture." The language used in small paragraph just below introduces the reader into what they going to be reading throughout the article, "but are they any good?" using this particular phrase then indicates to a reader that there is going to be gossip on all new DJ's and their performances.
The title 'Welcome to Lame Academy' of this double page spread takes up a lot of space on one side of the double page spread, the effect this has is that as soon as the reader opens to this page it will be the first thing they look at. Another point is that the type of font the title is written in galmourises this page, as it is written in more a flowing, 'fancy' font. Also the title connotes to the reader that the woman to the left of the title is a 'wannabe' celebrity, another point is that in the text just below the title it explains who the woman is and investigating whether she is "a threat to club culture." The language used in small paragraph just below introduces the reader into what they going to be reading throughout the article, "but are they any good?" using this particular phrase then indicates to a reader that there is going to be gossip on all new DJ's and their performances.
By the woman on the left wearing sunglasses and pulling a suit case this connotes to a reader that she has either just arrived to a tropical club destination or she has just arrived home from a tropical club destination. Also by carrying a small dog this would show to a reader that the woman is trying to be a celebrity or mimic other celebrity images such as Paris Hiltons. Another point connoting to the readers that the woman is a celebrity is that there are paparazzi taking photographs of her.
Amongst the double page spread there is a very small area of text which could indicate that the woman is not very important or that this is the only 'lime light' this woman is going to get and the next few pages are going to be investigating whether she is a worthy celebrity DJ or a fraud. Also by having the text squashed into a corner and the main image taking up a greater proportion of the page it makes the text seem less important, the affect this has on the reader is that they may feel that not alot of effort has been put into the actual article only the visuals on the page.
The main colours of this double page spread are dark colours mainly black, these colors would indicate to a reader possible the night life of a DJ or a night out for reader. The dark colours are then contrasted against brighter colours such as the lemon yellow and pale blue, these colours are put in to represent the sky (pale blue) and the sun (lemon yellow), creating an atmosphere on the pages that the photograph has been taken in the party destination.
This double page spread is from NME music magazine, which associates itself with punk rock style of music.
The title/quotation on the double page spread is like it has been made using cut outs of other magazine words, readers could associate this type of font with someone who is writing but wishes to remain anonomous.
The image on the right of the double page spread is of a woman who comes across as full of herself and is not shy. The woman also links to the type of music genre the magazine associates itself with, by having dark hair and alot of eye make up this is stereotypically linked with punk rock.
This magazine has also used its space more proportional with not too much text and not too much of the image, but the title has squashed the text down into a corner which could make the reader want to avoid such small writing. Also this could make the reader want to read on as it comes across as more effort has been put into the story than just the visuals of the double page.
The main colours on the double page spread are white as the background and then mainly darker colours in front of the background such as black and darks shades of red. The shades of red have also been matched with some of the phrases or words, which connotes to reader that these phrases or words ahve some form of importance.

The title/quotation on the double page spread is like it has been made using cut outs of other magazine words, readers could associate this type of font with someone who is writing but wishes to remain anonomous.
The image on the right of the double page spread is of a woman who comes across as full of herself and is not shy. The woman also links to the type of music genre the magazine associates itself with, by having dark hair and alot of eye make up this is stereotypically linked with punk rock.
This magazine has also used its space more proportional with not too much text and not too much of the image, but the title has squashed the text down into a corner which could make the reader want to avoid such small writing. Also this could make the reader want to read on as it comes across as more effort has been put into the story than just the visuals of the double page.
The main colours on the double page spread are white as the background and then mainly darker colours in front of the background such as black and darks shades of red. The shades of red have also been matched with some of the phrases or words, which connotes to reader that these phrases or words ahve some form of importance.
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