Wednesday 25 January 2012

Music Magazine Front Cover

This is my second attempt at my magazine front cover and I feel that the changes I have made have enhanced the fact that it is a clubbing magazine, changes such as improving the background to a more vibrant, exciting background, one that relates to the theme of the magazine.


                                                                           My first attempt at my magazine front cover was successful
                                                                           but needed a couple of improvements such as; increasing
      the size of the main image, change the background and the
      size of the masthead.

Music Magazine Contents Page

This is my first attempt at the contents page of my magazine and I feel that it follows the theme of conventional magazines that are of the same genre as mine. It has clear and vibrant images and logos which would make the reader want to reader each article

Friday 6 January 2012

Double Page Spread

This is my new double page spread after I edited and
added a few new elements. I decided to include a 
question and answer from the DJ, also increased the 
amount of text from the original and I changed the 
layout of the double page as I thought that this looked
more professional.
This my first attempt at a double page spread, I feel that it gives off the feel of a real magazine, but a few things could be changed to improve the overall appearance this would then enhance the magazine to help it look more professional.