Wednesday 28 September 2011


This image on the left seemed like a good shot due to the fact that it was a different and original spot. The only issue with the first attempt at this shot was that we realised that the shot didnt seemed focued enough and had too much going on in the background.

This images above and below seemed like a good shot due to the fact that it was a different and original spot. The only issue with the first attempt at this shot was that we realised that the shot didnt seemed focued enough and had too much going on in the background.

 On our second attempt above and below we zoomed in and from this we gaiend an image with a better focal point enhanced by the brightly cloured background. This would also allow us to use a basic font colour to stand out from the background and making the writing easily visible.

 The image on the right is a strinking and imposing image because of how the light bursts through the window and around the model. This would be successful because it would make the reader feel powerful as they're attending the same school as the student model. A bad point about this image is that it is very dark and could be hard to find a suitable font colour to match the background.

The closer shot of the model is good image to use on the next page of the magainze e.g. the contents page. This would be successful because as a reader would be able to see a clear transition between the pages and still see the same theme throughout teh magazine.

The image on the right is a light and bright image which could either be good or bad, based around visibility of the writing on the page. Abad point about this image is that its not focused enough around the student.

Potential Names

TOWICH - The reason for 'The Only Way Is County High' (TOWICH) is because students at the sixth form would be able to see a clear connection with the TV series 'The Only Way Is Essex' (TOWIE).

Spoons - This is a good potential name due to the fact that a good percentage of the BCHS sixth form can relate to the name, as it is a popular card game that we play.

The "Study" Period - Is a potential name due to teh fact that during our study periods its very rare that sixth formers actually study, therefore instead of doing nothing they could read 'The "Studay" Period.

Sunday 11 September 2011

Carp Fishing

This magazine compared to the 'Money' magazine, is more subtle and not as eye catching. The background is quite a dull background, the reasoning behind this is to show the model on the front in the environement where carp can be caught. The title 'Carp Fishing' is the only area on the front cover which stands out, this is effective because against all of the other dark colours on the page this would be the only aspect that would draw a readers eye to looking at this magazine. A lot of the other text on the page is in a dark yellow, which connotes that they have tried to match the same colour as the carp. This would be effective as is stands out from the dark background.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Money Magazine

I feel that the layout of this magazine is effective due to everything is bold and jumps off of the page. Having everything bold draws a readers eye to the page, enticing them in to want to read more. The title 'Money' is coloured in a light blue, which stands out against the white background, this would mean that the magazine title would stand out on a shelf. The large image that has been given quite a large space on the front page I think works well as a clever metaphor for squeezing the most money possible out of everything in a bad market. The title ' 21 good things to do in a bad market', is unique itself because the colours blend from black which traditionally means you are in the clear, to red which means you are in debt.

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